My Journey through Surrogacy

This is my journey to becoming a surrogate mother for a wonderful couple. This journey begins with application to an agency and hopefully the delivery of a miracle! Oh and FYI, green is the color of fertility!

Thursday, May 25, 2006


So I emailed D&M last night and have already received an email back from M. They are super busy this week due to a family reunion but they will be able to chat more at the end of the week!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


I just sent my first email to D&M. It included small talk and just let them know that I can't wait to get to know them! How exciting!!!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Expect a call!

I just got an email that said that Shantel will be calling me today with the next step!! HURRAY!

Got an emal!

They would love to work with you too!!

I will do an exchange in just a bit with contact information.

Friday, May 19, 2006

This just in...

Just wanted to keep you updated. No one is forgetting you hahaha. Shantel said that M is really hard to get a hold of during the week and left her two messages. She is sure she will talk to them more this weekend. I would consider yourself matched pretty much. The problem is, we wont give out contact info until all the financial stuff is taken care of. It has caused too many problems before, but it isn't anything with YOU at all. Hope you understand. :) And Shantel promised she will call you as soon as she talks to them.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Maybe I am not patient enough for surrogacy...

I still know nothing.

The agency is going to get tired of me continuously bugging them, but I want to know what is going on...

Am I going to get to know the IPs or start the process over?

I just want some answers!

Monday, May 15, 2006

I have news...

This is an email I just got from Erin, the Assitant Director of the Agency...

I talked to Shantel and she said she got an email from M and D and they are very interested and really really liked you. She is going to talk to them tonight at 7 to go over the last bit of numbers and she will have more answers for you after that. The couple just had a few more questions about clinics and that kind of stuff, but as far as you are concerned, they really liked you and I think really wanted to work with you.

Is this great or what?

Still Waiting... 5/15/2006

I am still waiting to hear from the agency about what the IPs thought. I hope to hear from them today.

It went great!! 5/12/2006

Last night the conference call was wonderful.
At times it was hard to hear everyone, especially when Travis got on the phone too. That made 5 connections and I don't think all our phone could handle it.

D&M seemed super nice, I think we agreed on just about everything except I think they really wanted me to pump for the baby(ies) and I just couldn't agree to it. I had such supply issues with Cole that I just didn't want to have that added stress.

We will see as time goes by.
They live on some land and have some horses! Very cool. Both have been professionals for many years. They have great support from their families.

The next step is now me telling the agency yes and them telling the agency yet we all want to work together. Then we exchange info so we can contact each other without the agency.
Travis and I talked last night and both agreed that we will say yes to exchange info.

Keep your fingers crossed!

It's TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5/10/2006

The conference call is tonight at 8pm!!!! I am so excited but nervous at the same time. It is like thinking about talking to your crush for the first time on the phone...
Will they like me?
Will I like them?
What will we talk about?
Will my 3 year old be patient while I am on the phone?
So many questions!!!

I am being so difficult! 5/4/2006

I had an email from the agency and they want to do a conference call today at 8:30pm. Any other day would be great, but Cole's 1st day is tomorrow and his party is Saturday, which means tonight at 8:30 my dh will be arriving with his parents in tow from the airport. I just don't want my attention to be taken from the IPs to my inlaws. Then the agency suggested tomorrow, which is even worse because my parents will be arriving. And the weekend is completely out because of the party. I just feel so horrible, I don't want the IPs to think I am blowing them off.

Conference Call 5/2/2006

I have a conference call this week with IPs!! I am so excited and nervous at the same time.
Say a little prayer for all of us!

The ad has been posted! 4/21/2006

Another will soon follow!
Here is one of them.

Quick update! 4/19/2006

I just got an email from the agency and they want to post an ad for me!!
How exciting!

Good News... 4/18/2006

I also got an email from Shantel at the agency and she said she is sending my profile to 2 couples this week!!!!!!!! How exciting!

Hurray! 4/6/2006

I talked to the agency yesterday and they never received my fax, would have been great to know since I faxed it on the 28th of March!!

Anyways, I re-sent it and found out that 3 Texas IPs (intended parents) had contacted the agency just yesterday! Now what happens is they send my profile to these families and if they like me, the agency will send their profiles to me.

If I choose one of them, then we have a conference call with Travis, Me, the IPs and the agency. After that we will have email and phone conversations, then a face to face interview. If we decide it is going to work, we start my testing and contracts. That is just the beginning...

It's Official!! 3/28/2006

Travis signed the application and it has been faxed to the agency! I am so excited and nervous to see what happens next!

And we wait... 3/24/2006

We are at a stand still right now with the agency application. I am still waiting for Travis to sign the application. I know he is going to sign but I realize it has to be on his time.

Why??? 3/14/2006

So I just got off the phone with Shantel. She is the director of the Surrogacy Agency I am going to use.

She also said that the couple near us was still patiently waiting for my application. She forwarded me their profile. I can't wait to take it home to Travis to let him see that these are real people and are really wanting my help, they are just ready to have a baby to hold!
She said they just posted an ad for the couple to find an egg donor so they are as rushed to find their perfect surrogate as they could be. I am hoping that by taking the profile home it will make the process more real for Travis. This is really something I want to do but I know I have to have him supporting me 100%. He is my rock and I know that I will need him.

The last question... 2/10/2006

My HR finally answered the last of Travis' questions, he has had a bunch. Well now that they are answered barring him coming up with anymore. I will FINALLY get to turn in my application to the agency! The director has been bugging me like crazy and I have been bugging Travis like crazy. Everyone pray that he signs it this weekend!!I am hopefully on the road to becoming a GS!!!!

Getting closer 2/8/2006

Travis almost has enough information to sign the paperwork for the agency. I sent an email to my HR department asking a few questions 2 weeks ago and I am still waiting for an answer. Once we get that answer, Travis said that is the only thing holding him back and he will sign the application. I will mail it in and we will hopefully get the ball rolling! I am so excited! I have been chatting with Shantel the director and we are both really anxious about getting the process started. I hope to have exciting news in the near future!

Things are looking up! 1/26/2006

Well Travis and I talked and today he is off from work and is going to take the time to do some research on surrogacy. Which makes me really happy!


Every day Travis gets closer to agreeing with me being a surrogate. He is playing devils advocate. That is what I love to hate about him! I spoke to Shantel, the director last night, she is so nice. She was telling me about a couple that lives in the DFW area who is looking for a surrogate. I am so ready to turn in my application, all it is lacking is Travis' signature.
He is now held up on the concerns of selective reduction and medical abortion. Both are very scary thoughts for anyone and it is something I have to decide during the contract phase.
Will I be willing to reduce from 3-4 embryos to 2? Which is decided in the contract before we start the process.
Will I be willing to terminate the pregnancy due to severe medical problems of the baby? Which is also decided before we start the process.
When Travis heard that I would say yes to both, I think it shocked him. I would never do it if this was our child(ren) but it is what the Intended Parents (IPs) want. Maybe they don't have the resources to care for more that 2 children at once. Also after spending so much money to have a child, they may not have the financial resources to raise a medically unstable child.
I cannot judge them for the decision, just agree with them and know I will never know why they did it.
I hope Travis understands this and signs the application, so that we can go forward and I can help complete someone's familiy.

Hurray! 1/18/2006

My exciting news is Travis is actually considering the thought of me being a surrogate! I told him to so a little research for himself but I am so ready for him to sign the contract so I can send it in and get this adventure started!
I have decided to go with an agency. I have actually talked to the agency director and she sounded so nice. Here is the link to the agency

The beginning. 11/18/2005

Well I printed out the application to be a surrogate. I have started filling it out. I am praying everyday that God helps to guide my decision. If this isn't in His master plan then I won't do it, but I just know it is. I just have to continue to pray that Travis will understand the rewards I will feel for doing this. I am asking God for that help!